Living the Steriscience way

Living the Steriscience way


Steriscience recognizes that today’s environment puts a lot of demands on individuals as they seek to maintain a balance between their work and other responsibilities and aspirations. We embrace an environment that encourages creativity, collaboration, experimentation, and several opportunities to fail, learn from failure and innovate. It allows our employees to achieve their full potential and grow in their professional life.

An open, entrepreneurial culture that fosters creativity and innovation is what characterizes the work environment at Steriscience.
Our work environment allows employees to think strategically about their career paths and meet their career goals within the organization, including self-assessment, individualised career mapping and exploring core and non-core opportunities. Our recognition policies are designed to create a motivating and fulfilling work environment for employees to build their careers.

7. operational excellence
An Ecosystem of Opportunities
Clear roadmap for how talent will be grown from within and ensure continued growth for our people
8. innovation
Accelerated Career Progression
Work environment that allows employees to think strategically about their career paths
9. quality
People First
Work environment that is free of Discrimination, Harassment, and Improper conduct of any kind

At Steriscience, we ensure that we provide employees with avenues to reach their individual career goals while fulfilling our corporate mission and vision. We drive our business outcomes upon our guiding principle of creating a fair, performance-driven work culture. We have established a clear roadmap for how talent will be grown from within and ensure continued growth for our people; and encourage employees to think of career paths horizontally and vertically
We are always on the lookout for dynamic thought leaders who are committed to solving challenges in the industry. To explore career opportunities with Steriscience, please click here.
